
Don’t forget Malone’s experience in the public sector during his stint for the US Postal Service.

Only five 16-vs-1 games have ever had a final score within five points in NCAA tournament history.

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

I have never sent a shirtless photo to a woman I did not want to have sex with because that would be weird and creepy and absolutely signal that I wanted to have sex with them.

Crisis Actor Casting Director: Ok, so what I’m going to need you to do is appear in the background once in a random video from footage of the shooting. We do require you to completely inhabit this character until you die of old age.

Because none of them thought they’d win. Trump loses, as expected, all these clowns move on with their lives having a few extra zeroes in their bank accounts. No Mueller, no one snooping through their past, no Russia investigation, nothing.

President Donald Trump, a cocktail wiener that rolled under the couch and is now covered in cat hair...

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

It’s a bit hypocritical of Kerr to criticize Trump and then blatantly copy his leadership style.

Give me a Prius and put me in the left-most lane. I can guarantee nobody will get around me.

Wathever happened? Multiplayer games happened.

She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.

If this is a legal hit, everything the NFL says about its concern for player safety is a lie.

Fuck the fuck off with the taking one sentence out of context and ignoring the whole rest of the article maneuver. Don’t get mad at me because you decided to post an angry screed about one qualified statement while pretending that the article as a whole was unsympathetic towards Kerrigan or minimized her trauma. I was

You are a joyless, miserable person.

Should’ve come out in a cover Tua.

Oh we’ve already lost.

These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is

I can understand that, from the players’ perspective, they only know directly how he’s treated them and can still care about the guy even knowing that he’s treated others unfairly. It’s okay to be conflicted and feel sad about him leaving while being happy that he’s getting justice for the way he’s treated women. But

Haha, what a loser everyone knows that a real man would change his name to "Ford Boss 302 Mustang Laguna Seca Edition".