
So we’re all making donations in honour of Sen. Fuckface McFitzgerald from now on, yes?

My Catholic CCD teacher once told us that in future people would look back at abortion the same way they look back at the Holocaust. Like “How could all those people stand by and let this happen?”

I know it’s about controlling women, but sometimes I also think it’s about self-hate. Like, if you secretly know you are a piece of shit and probably have no purpose and nothing good to contribute to the world, it becomes your life’s mission to pretend all potential life, no matter what, is sacred and worthwhile.

I drive by a Planned Parenthood clinic everyday when I go to work. Every Thursday or Friday, I see a small group of protesters holding signs that say, “babies are a gift from God” or something along those lines. And every time, they have children with them, who really aren’t “protesting” as much as they are running

Dear Kansas state legislators,

I think the thing we miss when people say stupid shit like this is that they literally think PP is as bad as the KKK. It’s not that they made a spectacularly stupid comparison. They literally think that PP is like the Holocaust. And that is also spectacularly stupid and upsetting, but possibly for different reasons.

No worries Senator Fitzgerald; we know that you are making “in kind” contributions to the KKK and like-minded organizations with your actions and those of other GOP legislators all the time. The KKK thanks you for your service.

Aren’t they really killing children by making healthcare more expensive that their parents can’t pay for it???

People in glass houses...

Right? I was about to point that one out myself.

“Killing children is always a bad idea”*

Typical simpleton Republican. You point out to these goosesteppers how Big Gov should not determine what a woman can or cannot do with her own womb and the Repubs’ walnut-sized brains won’t grasp the concept. (“Govmint off people’s backs, whaaaaaah? Me not get it.”)

Only of old white bedsheets and rope.

I take this as Fitzgerald admitting that he supports and/or donates to the KKK

They can’t.

Wouldn’t it be controversial for you to deny that or to denounce that in the strongest possible terms? It’s pretty controversial, don’t you think?

But they only accept Diners Club. And Clinkle.


IDGI, aren’t those all things that the GOP likes now?