
What’s especially funny is California -long before the invasion of English-speaking gold miners and other pikers - used to be Alta California, a Spanish colony. How could someone grow up in SoCal and be so unaware of the Spanish heritage of the region??

I haven’t been as shocked about someone’s age since... I found out the day before that Alex Jones is only 43.

Need some more reasons to wake up in the middle of the night screaming? Sure you do...

I do think though, it’s quite amusing when “white nationalists” object to me using Irish because “that’s not a real language” or some variation. So much for concern about “white culture”.

My husband has become nearly fluent through a combination of his job (hospital in heavily Latino area), a couple years of high school Spanish, and a annoyingly good ear. I *kind of* get by pidgin-wise, but I wish I had his comprehension and vocabulary.

I live in a SoCal suburb, and I literally had someone start talking to me about how irritated they were that they had to “push 1 for English.” 1979 called and wants its racism back. WTF. And yes, how can you live here and be pissy about diversity?

I read “Altas Shrugged” in hi-skool too, but fortunately for me I had read “Lolita” first so my strongest impression of the Rand epic was, “This is quite a page-turner, but wow, how shoddily written!” Similarly, I read “Dianetics” when I was a teenager, but before that I had read most of the works of Philip K. Dick

“Trump, whose presidency so far has been mostly vacation and “working dinners,” will reportedly return to Mar-a-Lago for the third straight weekend. [Palm Beach Post]”

So Miller’s one of the guys that hates people who speaks Spanish around him. I’m sorry, but people like this make me irrationally mad, especially in SoCal. Can you imagine how privileged your life must be for that to be your huge issue?

White people get radicalized very easily because when you’re spoiled and never face any real adversity, the smallest slights feel world changing.

Looking at this picture, Justin won’t be allowed into USA anymore

Between Stephen Miller and Ted Cruz, I’m pretty fed up with twerps who got permanently triggered by hearing some people speak Spanish in high school. We get it Stephen, you read Atlas Shrugged. McKayla is not impressed.

Becoming a Nazi because you never got laid in high school is a really weird transition. Look, I

But boys will be boys!

It often seems like the men who most fervently support these forced birth measure aren’t thinking about the women in their own lives. It’s always complete strangers that they want to punish for having sex, and they never mention the irresponsibility men in unplanned pregnancies.

Just want to reiterate that there are so few people who can provide this critical medical service later in pregnancy... and one of them is Dr. Hern of Boulder, CO. He needs to update the security of his clinic... as you can imagine, he’s quite the target of anti-choice groups. If you can donate:

Looking forward to the legal addendum to this law which stipulates that a man is now legally obligated to cover all costs for the first 18 years of life. Once that sperm leaves your body bros, it is acting on your behalf as your brand ambassador. If you don’t want that responsibility you should have made sure to keep

“if you PRE-KNOW”

And once you pop out that kid we forced you to carry to term, don’t worry, we’ll have cancelled all of the social services available to you and the kid because once its out of you we feel like we’ve done our part.

“Inviting that in”. I just...I can’t even.