Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.
Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.
My favourite bit of advice is always know your escape route - because you NEED TO KNOW that there’s an emergency lane to your right... or left... because when you’re braking hard and have just checked your mirror and you see that douche behind you is staring at his lap, you’re about to be creamed.
So you see no issue in blasting others because they are pointing out many public speakers who purport to represent a minority group, but do not seek to understand their perspective either?
And that “personal thing” is why it won’t work - because the vast majority of us, if income taxes were reduced by $1, wouldn’t put $1 or more back in beyond what is already provided.
Very true.
No, taxation is not illegal because society, through its elected representatives, have decided that certain costs are to be borne by society as a whole. Thus, taxes.
How am I meant to fit my sweet 4 inch lift on a minivan?
As someone with 3 kids and 2 dogs but minimal miles traveled: bring on the cheap suburbans!
2008? When I started paying attention (2013 - clients in the oil businrss) it was at $100 per barrell. While lower than the peak of $140 pre gfc, it was a damned sight more expensive than it is now. Opec has a goal - being not quite expensive enough to justify a shale boom - but it’ll remain cheap by recent comparison.
To all the haters on this “classic” is different from “classy".
Every time I apply for a position a few miles from home, I think of buying one of these. Sexy. Car.
I stand corrected. Old data!
Max highway speed you’ll see is 70mph. One key difference is the road toll - nationally it’s 5.08 per 100,000; the USA is 10.25.
Sydney ... the city once known for a thriving nightlife and now known for having killed its thriving nightlife.
Mostly games that have content that would have them banned for distribution in movie form. EG, games that show rape or discusses sex with a minor (lots of Japanese games banned... not judging, Japan, but really?).
Not saying I disagree, but there’s a strict interpretation of “if you are speeding, you are breaking the law”.
As an Aussie living in Texas, there are very few cultural similarities!
And saying two fucks in a movie gets an R Rating, so it’s best to get them out of the way at the start.
Or, indeed, ancestral hooligans and criminals. Certain people seem to forget that the entire reason Australia was settled... was that the American colonies were no longer available as a penal colony.
Also common to see 80s toyotas on the road in aus, even near the coast.