
I was referring to the poster, not the rapist. The rapist is scum. I would piss on him of he was on fire, but only out of moral obligation.

It’s cases like this that lock in the world’s view of America. Athlete, rich or famous? Get away with murder! Rape! Pick your crime and avoid the time!

Why the hate for someone who expresses regret? Have you ever considered that anger and rage against someone with a different perspective is self defeating?

It’s kind of dad that the best outcome she can hope for now is that he is unemployable.

I used to have piles of data on 5.25s. And then in about 2002, I realized that the disks were failing - and I had a brand new 40gb hard drive (40gb! My first hd was 2mb!) And all the data used about 50MB of it. And now it’s collecting dust in raid somewhere, unlocked at for 14 years.

I’ve noticed that. My clients in Austin include zero born and raised in Texas. 95% of Waco and about 50% of Dallas seem to be from around here though.

As an Australian in Texas, I’m kind of tired of being told I “talk funny”.

Nothing can get these people their childhood back, but at least this can help them get the help they need. For many, life continues relatively normally, but there are far too many lives destroyed along the way. I know two girls who were abused by their father; one came through in better shape than the other, but the


I think you missed the subtext: the next 6 series will be rear engined with keyless ignition. It will only start if you say the code phrase “They were so much better when they were air cooled”

Well, yes, have you looked at the liberty? There are many things that should have been rather than the liberty. This with a less wtf exterior might reasonably be one of them.

There is a large difference between cheating and/or acting unethically and breaking the law. There was a liophole, they saw it and took it. They obeyed the letter though not the intent of the law.

What is that abomination?

There’ll be those who decry the change in rake; They consider not what is at stake.

We would also learn that the vehicles all had randomly explosive tyres, airbags from old stock Takata happened to have lying around and engines that produced more CO than was chemically possible - but it’d be ok because a law would slip through absolving them from all liability.

So what you’re saying is that there are a large number of cannibals amongst us? I’ll never look at the people I work with the same again.

Everything I needed to know about Christianity, I learned by listening to me pastor. Who I pay to say what I want to hear.

Little known fact: the most common modern screw head (Phillips) was only invented because after the Great Screwdriver Shortage of ‘48, Henry F Phillips wanted to ensure that no one would steal his knives to assemble vehicles again.

How to troll a BMW owner:

Convince them that “Nurburgring” is German for “Only Burger Rings”. Prove statement by showing translation of Nur.

Have you ever driven in a car with a small child? Anything to shave off a few minutes.