
I'm still of the opinion that Mulaney wasn't horrible, a few episodes near the end of its run were actually really funny and managed to transcend the Seinfeld copycat label that had previously been associated with the show, particularly the episode where John takes peyote and breaks into his boss office. I get the

Again, never saw it, but then again what we're comparing is an old show vs. a new show vs. a recent show vs. a potential show sooooo maybe I'm drunk and high.

All I can hope is that, somehow, an Oh, Hello show makes its way out of the carcass of this show.

I can't judge on Lucky Louie because I haven't seen it, but I felt like Mulaney actually had a few decent episodes. Mulaney's main crime was being a bland rip-off of Seinfeld, there were a few elements that worked.

I seem to recall Louis C.K having a shitty sitcom before his good one, maybe Mulaney will pump out an edgy comeback sitcom in like five years?

I was referring to Christopher Waltz' character in the boardroom scene.

Since my computer broke, I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic III on an old lap top, but I have the parts for a new one on the way by next week. I lost most of my non-steam games with the last computer and I only have $60 to buy a new game with, but I'm torn between Fallout 4, Dragon Age Inquisition, and possibly The

As I watched Spectre, I wondered why Bond didn't just *SPOILER* shoot the Pale King the first time he saw him and vice-versa. I mean, that place had no security, Bond could have just quickly aimed a shot over the crowd and his problem would have been solved.

According to that photo, Jennifer Lawrence is a young Amy Schumer.

I like how the police think that boycotting a Tarantino movie would make less people want to show up, if anything it will make the theater smell less like axe body spray and more like weed.

Thanks for the three-day late condescension on some off-hand posts I made when I was high, that's all I ever wanted. Also up-voting myself is my way of masturbating my fragile ego, so please, please watch as I up-vote myself again and then go smoke some weed thinking about how little your life must matter.

A part of me wants them to be a happier couple, but the other part of me remembers the title of the show.

It really got to me when Jimmy just kept prattling on as Gretchen hung back, crying. Still one of the most unique episodes of a sitcom I've seen in a while.

And Luke's been hiding in R2 this WHOLE time.

You're all wrong: underneath Kylo Ren's mask is Darth Vader's ghost, as played by a ghostly cgi Hayden Christensen

Ah, marijuana legalization: taking the money from the small business man and giving it to the rich republican pieces of shit who helped keep it illegal for so long.

Eh, I was once of that mindset, but after being friends with a libertarian I learned mockery is the only thing they understand. That and they seem to like their label.

"I was trying to SWAT this guy but my gamergater started to itch when I was on the phone and I messed up his address and sent them to this old lady's house and she had a heart attack n' died."

"My mom wouldn't let me go to the Starcraft 2 tournament because my gamergater got real bad and I got a staff infection up in there."

"Aww man, I was in the top three on CS:GO but then I got an itch from all that gamergater up in there and I missed my shot."