
I get way more work done at home. The internet, for me, is a way to take a two minute break every few hours, except, of course, it's the internet, so a two minute break becomes a 30 minute discussion of cat gifs. Whereas, when I'm at home, I'll just pop on some Comfort TV (like a L&O:SVU marathon), hang out in my

+1 even though no one will get the joke

No mersey.

Who says we want them fixed? This is delicious.

Worlds apart between PlayStation and Xbox execs.



I wanted to promote a comment I can't currently find, but it went along the lines of: many men's emotional support systems are composed of two people: their wife and their mom. Losing half your support network to anyone- including a new arrival, your own child- would worry anyone. I do not think it necessarily selfish

Aw. I was really hoping to see "I love Big Bang Theory!" in there.


We have a cheap plan with Page Plus Cellular. It uses the Verizon network but is a discount carrier.

And then all the people who weren't interested in buying a PS4 to begin with can say "Well NOW I'm not getting one because I am morally upright, unlike you craven despots who hate freedom!" So everyone wins.

Be warned, unless you have iTunes 11.1 beta (devs only) installed you cannot sync your device with iTunes after upgrading to iOS 7. But the upgrade works fine.

Have to beat traffic? What's the matter, never taken a shortcut before?