
Does Monterey's coast mean anything to you guys?

I hope it's revealed that Quantum is some subsidiary of SPECTRE.

Where's the boiler?

I agree with you. Do what makes you happy. I will offer my opinion though on why they like the term gamer. I draw parallels between "gamer" and "the n word." That word was and still is used as a derogatory term about a race of people. However they took the power from that word and turned it around and used it for

We're complex individuals and reducing yourself to a word is dangerous.

You're correct, I stayed away from those examples because I didn't want somebody to come behind me and say this isn't that or that isn't this (in terms of racial, sexual, or gender identities though they did spring to mind). People self-identify with what they like and that's all there is to it. To me, it's akin to

Why bother "defending gamer identity"

Have you learned your lesson from this fantastically useful thread?

You don't. These are random people; not heroes, idols, or people to look up to.

We used the Game Genie. After a certain point, blowing no longer worked. The game wouldn't work by itself but slap that gold painted plastic on the cartridge and it worked like a charm.

Indeed. This doesn't seem like the time Gawker should be advising anybody on how to deal with trolls.

The salt is real.

This is precisely the type of forward-thinking individual esports needs. Praise based rupokk.

Stay away from the Pyrion Flax noob stream. Look for SUNSfan/Purge. They're more helpful.

Na`Vi seems to be in the middle of a slump. That plus Na`Vi.US going on a tear spelled disaster for Na`Vi.

I'd argue that EE-sama showed enough mercy to Fnatic on the last game of phase two. Sticking it to Alliance any way he can.

If there's one thing that the DOTA and LoL community can agree on, it's the HoN community is trash.

Corollary: Dendi is boss.

Some of these teams have a coach, perhaps they could do that in addition to their coaching duties.