This is precisely the type of forward-thinking individual esports needs. Praise based rupokk.
This is precisely the type of forward-thinking individual esports needs. Praise based rupokk.
Stay away from the Pyrion Flax noob stream. Look for SUNSfan/Purge. They're more helpful.
Na`Vi seems to be in the middle of a slump. That plus Na`Vi.US going on a tear spelled disaster for Na`Vi.
I'd argue that EE-sama showed enough mercy to Fnatic on the last game of phase two. Sticking it to Alliance any way he can.
If there's one thing that the DOTA and LoL community can agree on, it's the HoN community is trash.
Corollary: Dendi is boss.
Some of these teams have a coach, perhaps they could do that in addition to their coaching duties.
He's also eating paper. Is that...good?
I get nothing but compliments when I wear this while out and about. And I tend to be fairly invisible while out too so... Yeah, this shirt's great!
I have nothing to add other than: mad saxon!
Since it is your country, I'd assume you know this. But the reason for the outrageous PS4 price is due to taxes and/or tariffs. I cannot speak to the XBone price.
I like how they let me browse articles with my arrow keys!
As of now, it's only for the PS4. However, I have to ask: why the venom? What did the PS4 ever do to you? Did it kick you while you were down? Personally, if you want something badly enough, you get it; even if it's in a differently colored plastic box.
Is this a real product? It sounds delicious.
It should be above this post. You internet savvy types can figure out how to apply from there.
Treatment is pretty good. The pay is ok but nothing to write home about. People in the private sector that do what I do make low-triple digits. I make half that. But what I lose in pay, I make up for in benefits.
I can tell you. But you probably won't like it.