
Ann is not pleased...

Odd response... I'm not sure you know how the internet works.

Or take the pills out of the bottle and put them in a bag, pocket, et al.


VCR's? Who uses those? Even my Luddite parents got rid of theirs over a decade ago. And a video rental store? They exist?


Existing in PG county is painful.

She had it coming.

How dare anybody, let alone Americans, have a different opinion than me! The nerve...

It's all about helping people...

Logical? I see what you did there.

Let's give the Latin equivalent a try as well. He probably hears it a lot more. So here we go.

It's the same one Kirk wore in the first movie.

It's a way to say, "I'm more sophisticated than you" without actually saying it. The person's from Europe. We've got that stereotype about Europeans over here.

Did you watch the Japanese version of the trailer? What's the last thing you see?

Not's everybody's into Star Trek. The ones who aren't are into Star Wars. You're pointing out that something's formulaic. If that's your criteria then I doubt you're pleased by much that comes out of Hollywood as it's all formulaic. All of it.

The server's down?!?

The past.

This? I decided to stumble upon it for you. Spread the wealth and so forth and so on...

Is there a newsletter or something?