
Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, IS The Patriot...

No you're not, he is.

But hipsters are people too!

I liked, "rosebud".

Actually, Apple went to Verizon first. Verizon didn't like giving all that money and control to Apple so they turned Apple down.

When politicians are in the pocket of corporations, everybody loses.

BlackBerry Messenger, the one thing I miss from my BB.

I'm with TheRevanchist2 here, ma'am has a connotation of old associated with it. How about, you are more enlightened than the rest of us on the internet? Or something to that effect?

Indeed sir, isn't fun the name of the game? As long as it's fun, who gives a shit.

Oh man, for your sanity and ours, change the mute switch back to rotation lock.

I judge based on a lot less than a gamer tag.

Oils and detergents will raise that bill too.

I think the point was to discredit her. This isn't the only site that's reported on this matter. It was all over Gawker and Huffington Post yesterday.

@bowen13: It does and it opens up certain areas that usually lead to nice weapons and/or armor.

@i'm going to have my friends call me valerie: This is something that occurs in all studies and surveys everywhere all the time. It doesn't have to be limited to mens' viewpoints. We should be skeptical of everything we see.