Uncle Randall in Arizona

You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, ESPN tells the press that, like, the Pelicans will trade AD, or KD and Kyrie are going to the Knicks, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan”. But when they say that one little old

The second Fitz put himself in the airlock I excitedly said (because I’m a dork), “I bet he pulled a Superman II” which got a blank stare and snort of derision from my 14 year old.

A quick search shows that there’s plenty of people who like to run and jump like horses, the most famous of which is Anna Salander

I hope it has a train line, so folks from neighboring towns can honestly and legitimately say, when someone asks about their weekend plans, that they’re catching the 9:15 to Pound Town.


Dayton, Ohio doesn’t play.

Take the left turn. Bugs Bunny seems to regret never taking it.

But everybody else is covering Zombie, so why can’t we?

She’s really talented and I hope her career only grows, but this stat is some Robert Horry stuff.

“Somebody once told me/try this fried canoli...”

Tony Todd is the only acceptable Rocketman.

If they presented a driver’s license I sure would.

It’s like Ariana Grande ordering a Venti at Starbuck’s. So disappointing.

This is a judiciary isn’t it? I adjudicate.”

If you thought they were actually changing their name for more than a quarter second...I honestly don’t know what to tell you.  Its like the most transparently blatant publicity stunt of all time.

Eh, predictable. Just like his mom, he couldn’t resist the West.

“You can listen to Max Rebo, but you can’t hear him.”

fun fact. That guy was the drummer for Sonic Youth at one point.

Heathers TV shoooooooooow... (don’t do it!)

Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club?