Uncle Randall in Arizona

So we haven’t yet passed the point where “We all hate Duke, but...” is still a thing for every sports writer, huh?

“Space! Solo can you go?
Cloud City. Lando, a brother, knows.
Once again, back is the incredible
- Chewbacca’s no animal -
The incredible ME, Hutt Enemy Number One
Greedo said, “Freeze!” and I got numb
Can I tell ‘em that I was first with the gun?
It’s the way outta Mos Eisley, gotta run!”

So you don’t have to bother with the snippets of music if you don’t want to...

Great news! I can get back to work on my adaptation of this.

Principal Strickland strikes again, does that man ever age?

I feel no pity nor remorse. Cardinals ground the Cubs face in their success for years and years. Enjoy your nachos.

You haven’t lived until you’ve had Coke Au Vin served with Cacio E Pepsi, and a nice RCaesar Salad

I told myself I wasn’t going to cry and I didn’t.

Yeah, let’s let the real life equivalent of Homer Simpson run for office.

1.) You are absolutely correct