Uncle Randall in Arizona

Plus, he’s a great role model for the kids to emulate.

To me, Tala Ashe still looks a lot like Anna Hopkins, another actress of the Arrowverse who played Samantha, Oliver Queen’s baby mama. The fact that one was leaving as the other was arriving didn’t help matters.

If this film happens, I hope it’s good, but William Sadler has a built-in excuse if it’s bad:

What is up with the photo at the top? Is it even a photo, or one of those photo illustrations? I thought this was another Toy Chest collectibles crossover post, though I have no idea why someone would market a Karen Kilgariff action figure. 

A few months ago TV Line had an interesting article/rant about how, in recent years, SNL had developed some anti-TV snobbery when selecting hosts. Of the few TV stars that do get to host, most are there to promote a big movie anyway.

Transcribed. No particular order:

To the extent that a swimsuit cover is a big deal, this is a big deal for Sports Illustrated.

I’ve been thinking the same thing for a few weeks, and I’m glad someone else said it. Seems like the perfect Hollywood anti-campaign...

Damn, I’m convinced. The studio behind Phantom Thread should have transformed each capital T into a sword, or at least a needle. And the D could be a thimble! Lost opportunity.

“The first 5 that come to mind”:

While parked in front of the record store, Jack should have said, “You don’t need to be the next Alanis Morissette. Just be the best Kate Pearson you can be. Well, maybe call yourself Katherine on stage, because otherwise people will think you’re Kate Pierson of the B-52's.”

Most of this is crystal clear, but one small thing in this story confuses me: the boss and co-workers gave her a whole watermelon.

Has anyone pointed out the sheer stupidity of saying “At least I know my Dad” to a guy named John Wilson IV?

“I haven`t read the comics since I realized Beetle Bailey was never actually gonna shoot somebody.” — Jimmy James, NewsRadio

That doesn’t feel unusual, especially with the newly expanded Best Picture fields. Is this unusual? I mean...Best Picture nominees are nominated because they did a lot of things well, so I should expect the other categories to be littered with them.

Alexandra Petri of Washington Post satire fame

I don’t think any sculpting chefs in Los Angeles have to worry about building an Oscar out of sprouts. This feels like the kind of year where every award goes to one of the films also nominated for Best Picture. (At least one is nominated in every category except for Visual Effects and the Animation/Short Film/Docs.) 

This starts out as a can-you-believe-it type of thing but becomes more of a 6-pieces-of-trivia list. Transcribed:

I warned Popeye of this exact thing.

Jason, sitting three points behind with time running out, meditated (Jianyu style) before his face lit up at the realization, “I hate scoring against my own favorite team!”