uncle bryn

we need to consider that mothers are people, they do things

this is like the worst groundhog day ever.

I really hope that the staff training isn’t just about identifying abuse and reporting it (all well and good) but that it also teaches how to deal with abuse without victim blaming. We need to be encouraging a culture of safety for victims, and schools are about the least safe place in the country right now, aside

I have no qualms about a terrible person being publicly shamed. This goes beyond an ignorant but generally good hearted white person (which I believe does exist, although ignorance is getting harder and harder to claim as the systemic racism of our society gets more and more blatant). This woman is a legitimately

This just breaks my heart. Poverty, mental illness, abortion rights and availability...this one case is a hideous portrait of what is and isn’t a priority in the US right now.

I actually think she’s super smart. She young and privileged and high so much of the time, so she’s going to stay dumb crap. But I think underneath she’s got intelligence and courage. And an unholy amount of talent.

I just don’t understand. I mean, I understand, but I just don’t understand. The fact that no one is standing up and saying “this is not about safety or religious freedom, it is a cheap, backhanded way to overturn Roe V Wade and nothing more, so we’re done with it” makes me want to stomp my foot and scream.

okay, well good for you, i guess. I don’t really feel the need to make a statement, I just want to think my comments will actually be seen/responded to, otherwise what’s the point?

oh, thanks!

Imagine if this home had fallen into a rectum!


10000% agree. also, she is scary talented. her actual vocal ability is way underrated.

who used to ride dirt bikes around her family’s farm in the nude

I can only ever see Colin Hanks as that serial murdering psychopath from Dexter (season...I don’t know. One of the crap ones).

Tiny Baby Ariana Grande Has Thoughts: Are Actually Pretty Good

I don’t actually have any complaints about the cover image, considering her whole public persona it seems pretty reasonable. I do, however, take serious issue with the font and color of the text. So cheesy. So 1980s bodice ripper.

I said this years ago: the rise of the tea party marked the beginning of the end for the republican party. they put batshit whackos into positions of power (how did Ted Cruz get to the place where he could shut down the government?!) and pull elections way to the right. No moderate candidate is going to make it

I am one of those progressive Christian feminists, and totally agree with your frustration. to the right (including my family) I'm not a "real Christian" and to the left I'm lumped in with every loudmouthed right wing asshole. It's hard to find a place in the church, and because of that I'm fairly isolated from the

This is horrifying. I have never worked in a restaurant environment, but I was a barista for six years. I am 100% certain it is not as difficult, and yet I STILL think it's important to throw a few cents (or a dollar if you really got great service) in the tip jar. I know that even the easier side of food service

I actually feel kind of bad for him regarding "binders full of women", because it was just such a cataclysmic turn of phrase, and totally drowned out his point (which wasn't actually that bad).