Uncle Bertie

With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans. Cant wait for 4 more years of “progressive leadership.”

Now playing

Wait... Capitalism turns humans into commodities to be consumed and expelled when useless, all for the benefit of a privledged few? And rhe system relies in a fundamental way on exploitation and dehumanization? SAY WHAT?

Jay Z fucked Patrick Roy? Oh shit, i heard Bey was a big Red Wings fan. PATRICK, YOU WHORE!

Get this fucking guy some help and then out of my fucking face.

Its the WWEs Becky Lynch. Cant wait to see the blowoff match at Payback. Shes gonna get Bey in the armbar. Mah gahd Maggle.

The world would lose nothing if you shot yourself in the fucking skull, or castrated yourself with a broken bottle. Do so.

UFC and Dana White did not give McGregor or any other fighter ANYTHING. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, THE FIGHTERS FOGHT, AND THATS WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM. Dana White wont get brain damage unless he slips on his pile of money.

Cant wait for Clinton-Booker Administration - I wonder how many Goldman cronies they can shove into one White House. Almost as exciting as all these liberals who will cheer as she pisses away more of our future. Awesome.

NEWS UPDATE: The protesters have expanded, with 13 boys from the Gerald Ford Middle School have come to join the struggle. An additional 3 boys may join them if they can get a ride from Timmy’s mom.

Congrats to Zack Braff and a photocopy of Meg Ryans daughter!

Wisconsin: The Louisiana of the North