You mean the Thorn. You can't get a Hawkmoon from an exotic bounty.
You mean the Thorn. You can't get a Hawkmoon from an exotic bounty.
3 > 2 . Whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.
America is ready host the 2021 Confed Cup right this minute.
As someone who doesn't play Destiny, it's really the only reason I click on the articles anymore.
Impressive aerial photo of New York surrounded by ice taken from the southern tip of Manhattan—tiny icebergs and ice…
I'm so sorry that, even as adults, some of us are still able to appreciate and respect the things that brought us joy as children, Kara.
Half of each season is spent on close up shots detailing the stitching on Nynaeve's dresses.
OOOOH Sorry Chicago. I'm very self absorbed and I think everything is about me and New York.
I just want to say: 1) Yes, I risked getting shelled by a boomer and blowing everything to get this gif and 2) I regret nothing.
And if you wanted to start collecting amiibo... somebody wrote this handy guide...
*cough* *cough*
Curses! Foiled again!
Ah-ha! Exactly what someone setting a trap would say!
There are two ways to eat fish: Greasy, heavy, and British...and fresh, raw, and Japanese. Anything else is sub-optimal.
OK, we're even now.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we'll provide the jams.
"They just went and made a new dinosaur? Probably not a good idea."
I don't know if you can call a series with the #5 best selling N64 game, the best-selling non-Mario or fitness game on the Wii, and the best selling GameCube game a "cult" anything (more like a Smash hit), but good article. Hopefully the devs will do me a solid and find a way to patch in my beloved Ice Climbers...
It would probably be less of an everyday topic if morons weren't actively campaigning to have it taught in schools as a "possibility" with equal merit as the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I agree entirely. We really should argue about Galactus' best herald.