He looks like Skrillex so I'll allow it.
He looks like Skrillex so I'll allow it.
I see you have started reading about the #churchofhoon.
But what is there they could really do to that car. The MP4-12C has too much going on already.
I haven't seen your name in so long. Welcome Back.
I heard on facebook that it is true.
Hahahahaha. I saw Matt's tweet last night.
I made the same joke on the twatter.
I thought you were tired of Adele.
Dammit I missed a rename.
I saw your disgruntled post and this was the only other post that I saw from you. So basically I was referring to this post.
As a male with a normally deep voice I have realized it hurts less to speak at a higher range. For if I constantly spoke at my normal deep voice I would break the bones in my chest or at the very least explode my lungs.
Wait what about when we wear sweaters?
Glad you're back.
So is your current account total $13.27?
If you have the time check on oppo for the full story. Links have been posted.
Jez posted a article about barely legal porn and that lead to troll run by a few from oppo. A number of people got perma banned. Spiegel got 1 week ban.
Moral of the story.
Thanks NRA for protecting our right to shoot shit.
Gravity makes things faster.