I was impressed when I saw motorcycles drifting. But now they have airplanes doing it as well. That's mind blasting.
I was impressed when I saw motorcycles drifting. But now they have airplanes doing it as well. That's mind blasting.
Never too early for a nomination.
Isn't tripe fish?
Congrats Cheeseslap. T'was witty stuff.
Your entire body has lots of it. In fact if you didn't you couldn't live.
Clearly you don't deserve the $1 because it is GTFAC you're missing the T in something you claim to have created.
As a GM fanboy, I will have to disagree with you. The Mustang looks better.
I hope you know what you are doing.
Because Jesus Diaz writes articles.
It was confirmed on facebook. So it must be true.
Papa Murphy's pizza: $10.00
We appreciate all the interesting videos you find.
With the amount of hat tips, TheKlic should just get a star already.
Yes, I was trolling. I don't do it often but seeing your reaction I guess I am good at it.
Why can't you just be happy for the guy and stop raging all the time?
What say you Jstas?
You should get a star for this comment alone. At the very least I can give a heart click.
But...but...he spelled your name wrong on the h/t.
+1 for Indian Comedian reference.