
If God knows everything how can man have free-will?

I'm an atheist but I find religion intriguing. I was raised a Roman Catholic but what changed me was a quote I read from Pavlov: "Do not become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin." That quote lead me down a road of questions that can not be easily answered by religion.

I guess it is the whole worship aspect and eternal damnation thing that I don't like. I don't need that threat over my head for me to do the right thing. I do it because it is the right thing. Now I know all religious people do not act this way and do the right thing just because it is the right thing, but still.

You are probably new around these parts. Gimi has never ever trolled. EVER.

Or just get rid of faith and substitute morals. You can have morals without having faith.

Because she threw the pamphlet at him.

Thank you for not being an ass, making penis jokes, or banning him. Glad even the interns over at Jalopnik have greater class then an editor over at Gizmodo.

First article I've read on the main page in quite a long time. This was a great story.

I actually saw Red and loved it as well. I was talking about the Bollywood movie. That one I did not see.


Now playing

That scene is a rip-off of Red. I haven't seen the movie, so the rest of it could be Hawaii 5-0 but I know that scene is from Red.

Yeah, that little exchange did not instill confidence.

Except all these laptops are located in garages.

I just read the same thing on a person's facebook. Looks like the tipster is getting canned.

Guys Forza is getting a Car Pack in December!!!!

It's 911 for rich people. -Jack Donaghy.

Figured as much. It's just that Button, Alonso, and Massa look too dam similar and I can't really distinguish the three.

Ha. I can read that one. Who ever did it sucked at trolling color blind people.

Can we get some different colors for us color blind folks? It all looks the same to me.

I got the joke. I like to be apprised with the latest in Lesbian news.