In NY it has and always will be the civic. Espcially the three door. I do not think I have seen a regular untainted 3 door civic.
In NY it has and always will be the civic. Espcially the three door. I do not think I have seen a regular untainted 3 door civic.
OOOOHHHH! So that's how they work. All this time it was just magiks.
I agree symbols of crosses reminds me of the Romans and how they would kill a myrid of people on crosses and leave them on the side of the road as a warning for traveler that are entering their cities. I mean they killed hundered and hundereds of people, but all people really care about is this one guy.
Robin Williams is a comedic genious.
I see wat you did there.
They need to inject something into his lip before it just droops off his face.
Sutil the driver involved the scuffle is wearing the checked scarf and I'm sure the guy next to him is a driver as well. Not sure whom though.
I'm intrigued as well. Do tell.
Personally, I think a wagon would be great as well. BMW 3 series has a wagon so why not the regal or are they waiting for the ATS to come out and turn that into a wagon.
Let's be honest. Top Gear has a tendency of stretching the truth when it comes to review cars they have personal biases towards. So this whole Tesla ordeal should be understandable.
Thanks for the concise explanation.
Let's be honest. Clakson has governments angry at him. Do you think he is going to lose sleep over a struggling car company?
A sexually transmitted infection saved three people from a large woody.
I've seen this video before and watching it again does not take away from the awe that is nature.
I understand losing 1/4 of the pack is tough. Granted small considering the video but still.
This is what happens when you have two Eclipses racing against each other.
I would be mad. Sad is not strong enough to describe losing her.
I would be mad. Sad would not describe losing her.