It is too early in the morning of talk of golden showers.
It is too early in the morning of talk of golden showers.
@IN THE FACE!: The shocker!!! (Two in the pink, one in the stink.)
@Irishman — AARGH!: First time I had Japanese beer it was Kirin Ichiban. That stuff tastes good.
@cesariojpn: Saeko-san?
@FriscoFairlane: But he does get arrested as well.
@BullittFan_Fords4Life: Thanks dude. H-Click.
@gin-n-joose: We like cars, we like boobs. Put them together add explosions and we will watch. Of course we will just watch it once and then move on with our lives.
@01SNKOWNR: I thought it was a stingray.
Hey, Angelina Jolie is in the movie. That is reason enough to care.
@MissElizaSea: Technically abstinence is only 99.99% effective. Virgin birth anyone?
@Triborough: That was brilliant. Although you could say "He has spoken through the lap board"
@duurtlang: Thank you for the clarification.
'ring time?
@uncleben: Curses I've been foiled.
@Pope Spiegelio LXIX: Normally I don't post lolcatz cause I don't have a library of them like you do for whatever comment it pertains to but I found this one and I am sure you could use it in the future.
@Pope Spiegelio LXIX: As promised lolcatz.
@Pope Spiegelio LXIX: No more lolcatz until you solve this conundrum.
@Ash78, beer snob Padawan: I got 95 problems and indulgences is one.
@Tyson: Great stuff.
@Totoros Porsche: Not really his per say, but he does lead the institution that is the cause of our delayed advancement.