Unbreakable Kimmy Wexler

*Inadvertently sighs adoringly as motorcycle disappears into the horizon. Catches self; clears throat and straightens jacket, and walks off in a huffy and businesslike way*

I wish he hadn't apologized. He was absolutely right.

Thank you! I've always found Don's romances to be the least compelling of his relationships, while his platonic/familial relationships with those three the most fascinating.

Ted comes to Don with an idea for a new tagline on the Wilkinson campaign: “There are three women in every man’s life.” Perhaps for Don, in this moment, those three women would be Betty, Megan, and Rachel. He rejects the idea."
In the end they're probably Anna, Peggy, and Sally. The big three where romance isn't

I have a feeling that's why Mike, even with his powers of intuition, underestimates Walt in the beginning and even bothers giving him the "Half Measures" speech. He thinks Walt's a talented chemist but also a sad sack doofus on the level of Price. So why not give the poor guy a break? What's the worst that'll happen?

Yeah, for someone who blathers on and on about ethics and how "the law is sacred", Chuck certainly has no problem lying and deceiving Jimmy by using Hamlin to do his dirty work.

I've never had a character who started out as one of my favorites suddenly become my least favorite. But you accomplished that in one bitter self-righteous rant, Chuck.

No, I think the average AV Clubber aspires to the charm of Wiggum, if we can reach that high.

Is it weird that I always associate Phoenix with the beginning scene of Psycho where John Gavin and Janet Leigh are making out in their panties?

But he'll come back, right? He came back that last time everyone thought he was dead. He hid in Dr. McCoy's brain. SO HE'S GOING TO COME BACK THIS TIME TOO IT'S FINE.


"But “Who Shot Mr. Burns?, Part One” is such an inspired romp that I can’t find a reason to fault the show for not being able to follow through on it 100 percent. Can you?"