because a pie in the face, while humiliating and probably a crime, is not a life threatening event.
because a pie in the face, while humiliating and probably a crime, is not a life threatening event.
no, in New York its Coxsackie. Off ramp sign kills me every time on the Throughway.
They look drunk in the video. lol. Idiots.
For anyone interested the charity is Musicians On Call (MOC), a nonprofit that brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in healthcare facilities.
how the fuck are spiders ranked above daddy long legs??
This was a metaphor of how new-democrats are drunk with power, right?
its $18?
its $18?
“the company had recklessly put tens of individuals in danger”
Wait, so isn’t the problem that editorial interests are favoring the narrative of inequality faced by rich white woman ? I’m not sure how Susan Sarandon could ever be expected to or should ever speak on behalf of women whose lives and experiences are entirely different from her own...
the food straight up reminds me of the food on Tower Air and TWA in the 90s. The McDonald’s kids meal you could order at an additional cost looked EXACTLY like that burger.
because clinton supports are so well known for wearing the pins of their local congressional candidate? lol. ok.
got it, thanks! The temp rules were the ones voted on weeks ago and at the convention there was a vote to make them permanent.
man, what shit show.
i almost understand what you are saying, except that it reads like you used temporary and permanent interchangeably. So were the weeks old voted rules temporary for this one convention or were they permanent?
wait a minute, this is not in line with what i’ve read elsewhere. From what I understand the rule changes were made by the state convention before sanders supporters had all arrived - the vote was held at 9:30am instead of the scheduled 10am. The change in question move the candidate voting process to only occur on…
Grand Finale...they chased after them...
challenge accepted!
you don’t have to fly, either, mr. sarcasm.
It’ll be Cory Booker. Seal the deal on the new democratic party.
Okay, real question, Does anyone really want to be president?