because clinton supports are so well known for wearing the pins of their local congressional candidate? lol. ok.
because clinton supports are so well known for wearing the pins of their local congressional candidate? lol. ok.
got it, thanks! The temp rules were the ones voted on weeks ago and at the convention there was a vote to make them permanent.
man, what shit show.
i almost understand what you are saying, except that it reads like you used temporary and permanent interchangeably. So were the weeks old voted rules temporary for this one convention or were they permanent?
wait a minute, this is not in line with what i’ve read elsewhere. From what I understand the rule changes were made by the state convention before sanders supporters had all arrived - the vote was held at 9:30am instead of the scheduled 10am. The change in question move the candidate voting process to only occur on…
Grand Finale...they chased after them...
Whatever floats your ego
You by your own admission don't live in a city. So, no.
challenge accepted!
you don’t have to fly, either, mr. sarcasm.
What about also setting expectations? I know we’re all supposed to “know” that economy seats aren’t better than 1st class, but they are never ever described as shit they are by the airlines.
It’ll be Cory Booker. Seal the deal on the new democratic party.
Definitely cops.
“Screamers is not a perfect movie. It was made in Canada.”
Okay, real question, Does anyone really want to be president?
April Fools! Beast Coast
anyone else walk of the theater suspicious this movie was funded by Scientology?
“Donald Trump is a lot of things...But more than anything else...he is a huckster. Manipulating the media to promote himself is his life’s work! It’s the only thing he’s any good at, and he is good at it.”
You don’t add diced almonds? Monster.