
“We here at Gawker Media are in the business of telling the truth.” RIP

“The Clinton Foundation could hypothetically be the most corrupt organization on the face of the planet,...”

It’s more than a big difference. It’s highly illegal. And it’s coming soon. It’s why the democrat party officials are in panic mode right now.

I am lothe to defend Trump, but if you are referring to his prior business dealings, there is a big difference. He never claimed to be making deals for anyone’s best interest but his own. Clinton, as secretary of state, would be responsible for looking out for the country’s best interest. If she did, in fact, enrich

There’s a big difference between Hillary using her Secretary of State position to issue kickbacks for donation to her foundation, and Trump doing business with other countries.

She’s a defender of sexual harassers, THAT’s disgraceful.

I'm pretty sure the one thing thiel was right about was funding the hogan lawsuit.

Dude you’re an asshole. Wait ‘till your dog loses. You’re going to shit yourself just like she will during the debates. I CANNOT WAIT.

Trump is going to win and you are going to cry. Cant wait.

It’s amazing how cunty people will act to you when you point out what a horrible person Clinton is. Truth hurts and all that.

Nope. I’m hear to make fun of people like you who take comment sections way too seriously

Do you honestly believe that any of that even matters? Lets be honest, Clinton is absolutely the most corrupt politician in history when it comes to proven evidence and not speculation. I don’t think it even matters. The whole bit about installing Wasserman Schultz to run the DNC to make sure she would get the

“I miss dust!”
- Michael Irving

Right. And where was this concern about the torrent of all and any information Bradley/Chelsea Manning released? Are you going to argue that what he took was carefully chosen and curated?


I don’t thing you grasp how corrupt the DNC and the Clintons are. Not everyone in the democratic party is, but the DNC, and the Clintons are extremely corrupt. The Clintons, Bushes, Romneys all need to be sent packing.