
Don’t impulse buy Amazon products”

I just got a new HVAC myself - old one had....issues.  Needed to be replaced going back a few years, but I didn’t have a job, and it still kinda worked.  Would take HOURS at night to get the temp from 80ish down to 76.  New one does it much faster (lots of factors involved, of course, like the fact that the new one

The idea is to run your HVAC system at its highest settings at night, when it is coolest outside and the sun isn’t baking your home.”

Complete Amazon’s Prime Stampcard for $10"

If amazon ever forces camel to shut their website down, I’m going to be buying A LOT less crap from amazon. Camel encourages me to buy things I don’t actually need, if the price drops to what I’m willing to pay for it.

I used to use gPhotos, but then they took away unlimited storage, and their ios app is 💩 (it doesn’t show you what pics you have in the cloud, it shows you what pics you have on your phone, which, duh).

*sigh* I opened the hangouts app on my iphone this morning, and could no longer use it.  Had to either use chat in the email app, or download the chat app itself :(

Can’t believe you missed the most important one - the car pulling out of a spot ALWAYS has the right of way! For the first bit, they CANNOT SEE YOU, so you can keep driving if you want, but you might get hit or hit someone else.  Just stop and let them pull out - odds are, unless they’re a real piece of 💩, they’ll

I know it’s not a loyalty program, but everyone NEEDS to get a target card (if they can) - without it, you’re just paying a 5% markup on top of the regular markup.

☝️YES! YES! YES!☝️

great, disturbing movie!

I was just thinking about Requiem the other day - the last time i watched it, I decided that was the last time I would ever watch it.

yeah, i watched it, wasn’t that disturbing.  not like cannibal holocaust 🤮

If it tastes anything like clear pepsi, count me in!

Yeah, I’ve long thought about writing a “death letter” and giving it to 2 trusted friends (no family in the area) containing laptop password, phone password, family contact info, banking info, etc, so that when I die, they’ll be able to give my family info that might help.

I do not understand how wells fargo is still a bank.

wish I had read this yesterday :-/

Do you need a specific iphone model or ios version to search by model? bc I just tried on my 8, and got nada.

As someone who works out by themselves, and isn’t a body builder, dumbbells are more than sufficient for a good, muscle-building workout.  

that helmet looks dumb.