
And they’ll try to bombard u with them so it’s too much to handle from all sides (so good choice imho :b)

That is absolutely true - and they’ll use the craziest ways possible so ppl will just think ur crazy

Are you saying you’re telepathic?

Pretty sure they have newer ppl corralled by “bigger” ppl who go around harrassing/following


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The most of it is mind stuff...not speaking just about being brainwashed into giving up your conscience and buying into being in a group that does bad things...but they are taught to do things that make them think they’re powerful. Like everything founded on an “evil”, it’s a deception (pushing over toddlers doesn’t

I don’t think the T’s are that dedicated :b

wellll, anything that can be easily found out to be criminal probs isn’t the more threatening one....

Honestly, the best response is to do the same exact thing you just did again. They’re trying to get you mad, offset your normal, and make you revert to pride (bc they’ll study how to work at whatever false foundations you have (in your image, etc.) and - if that doesn’t work - any “isms” you might have to deal with in

ppl like that’s whole deal is to try to get you off-kilter so you’ll lose it; it’s all a competition for them

Y’know, where I’m from, rules are there for a reason and when that reason isn’t working out, you ignore them.  Of course, what with all the exacerbated biases in the world, it’s turned into a bit of an ol’ bro system, but wouldn’t it be nice to know that behind every situation, ppl would do what was morally right

I think it’s just a dry creative time for the area in general :b

If the need, no the Craving, to constantly do something (that at some point feels like a rabid addiction (and you clearly have to roll over others to do it)) keeps you moving in the same, ungrowing (we are sentient :b) orbit...mehbe you need to inspect your life more :b.

I think the problem is that sometimes the individual is really, really important, but that’s not really the case in day-to-day lives (unless we skew them to think one is better than the rest and make everyone else less-important bc of it :b)...the time when the individual is important is when mob-mentality takes

Not trying to be “righty right :b” but I rly don’t think that’s going to hit certain ppl that hard. These ppl have been sort of swept to the top by middlemen who will use them as long as they’re useful and - ultimately, sadly, they’re the ones who have all the money and so much of it I don’t think taking cups of water

should the answer really be money?

The problem with “All I Do Is Spread Positivity” ppl is they’re basically saying someone behind the scenes takes care of their sh*t so they don’t have to go through the human process of growth and awareness (which gives the behind the scenes ppl more control and the living a pretend life person a slave to whims that

This is why I believe in approaching things that one is a majority of from the “I’m probably still wrong at this” stance...because if these groupist things (sexism, classism, colorism...) still exist, it’s certainly not because the people they’re being perpetrated against want them too and - except for the

And on top of medical debt and student loans, there’s the constant knowledge of being treated “not as special” :b simply for not having things that wears on ppl’s psyhology on top of limiting what ppl will do for them (and this is probably the huuuuge differential that keeps ppl from coming out of a pit) and scraping

I am incredibly ignorant on many parts of this, so perhaps this is insultingly off....but I always imagine “racism” as more of a classism problem, thinking that I don’t think police would be out gunning for black ppl so enthusiastically (and white ppl who killed a lot of ppl be buried with honors so