I was in the same sort of “space” :b - had a CD player (:O) in my car and would rotate between this, Maxwell’s album, and DJ Sammy (I don’t know how he got in there but it worked).
I was in the same sort of “space” :b - had a CD player (:O) in my car and would rotate between this, Maxwell’s album, and DJ Sammy (I don’t know how he got in there but it worked).
She (and ppl like her) have so many middlemen in their lives that rly take care of anything I doubt she even thought past doing it. It rly dumbs one down, but they have middlemen to make them look smart regardless :b
I feel like this and bookstores are the devil’s real weapons, what with being trapped in them and the fact that we don’t need more plastic or reasons to destroy forests
As someone who likes to look at men’s fashion choices, I’m glad for your shoe proclivity (and anyone’s :) ) yay.
well, it’s all about you, so
Sounds like you’re just trying to be snarky. New Orleans is a bit different from other towns as, culturally, it has the only government-recognized minority group that includes white ppl (Cajuns) because pretty much everyone but the rich landowners were persecuted there back in the day.
He sounds like someone so used to misogyny - which is a system that tries to push women to the limit and make them seem “craaaazy” as a result - that he doesn’t realize it’s not going to work in this instance
It’s the fact that they can gaslight you into thinking that their opinion should form your world
Ppl always act like criminals just bumble around trying to get caught when they don’t believe a) ppl telling them that they’re criminals, b) how good their deception is
I think one of the things that would bridge the classism in the world is if ppl within the oppressive element of that were forced to get outside of it occasionally :b ... well, rather, that they’d be willing to, but wouldn’t it be nice if ppl were just willing to do things that would make them better ppl instead of…
that woman has peak grace (not the mofo who called, the politician :b)
What a cool little kid
Smarm would not be tolerated.
Yeah, the tiresomeness of men being assumed “good and thoughtful” and women “spiteful and evil” is just way beyond past its due date.
Honestly, that’s what a lot of ppl assumed about Obama...they all do work for the corporate machine; this one’s just a bit of a mess
Yeah, it’s rly amazing how much respect you can lose (because you had so much - look at how good they make you feel and all the wonderful things they do (!!! :b)) when ppl like that do that, but it’s very telling that something must keep them in their lives from confronting the same issues everyone else is forced to…
Wow, jesus that guy should get checked out
sounds a lot like someone thought they wouldn’t need schooling on affirmative consent
It reminds me of what dudebros were telling me about a year ago about how I should reconsider so-and-so because they’re so much better than they used to be ...y’know, instead of spending time paying attention to just Nice ppl :b