It is weird that you allude to a government with worshipful overtones
It is weird that you allude to a government with worshipful overtones
Call me poetic, but can’t anyone who’s realized they’ve been an utter a-hole (whether meaning to or not (I’m trying to extend grace here)) just go off into a nice, solitary wilderness for awhile until they know they’re not the type of person who will permit the rape and assault of women within their vicinity?
simplistic answers often come from a super close-minded place
Ppl are in boxes of expectations and social expectations are a hard thing to overcome. I imagine the ppl saying they’d give up their relationships for money are the ppl who are in those relationships more for social reasons (not love)
I mean, it’s super easy to insult, malign, ostrasize, and further weaken the people you have personally (or as part of a group) thoroughly disillusioned :b
I feel like the bigger question (would you eat someone if stuck on a desert island...) is why this isn’t treated like the huge problem it is...ppl should never have to be that desperate
...aaand it’s not all about you
Yeah, it means man = excuse to not try harder
She’s a smart politician, after all :b
or some guy telling her to drink it now that it’s not too big and scary for her
I’m fine with there being (finally) visual representation on things more than just a millennia of white dudes, but it’s that he said it’s because we’re scared...
oh god
I feel like if some ppl would just keep their mouths shut until they are goddam positive they know how to say things, it would go just fine.
drugs change ppl
Especially given the lack of depth with which they respond to controversial issues - that script was probably written by a(n obviously smart, female) ghostwriter
Yes, let’s act like someone who admittedly (it’s in the title) has emotional issues is going to act rationally in a stressful (flying home for a health-not leisure -related issue) situation with peer pressure being implemented and a time crunch. Has anyone never been sick...that’s who should be so bluntly critical of…
Prince seemed concerned with not being bothered by him at all. That was (the completely skipped over) option #1.
...just like ppl who pretend to the crowds around you that you like them flirting with you even though you clearly are signalling “no”
Often, abusers put most of their effort into making the people just around the situation completely unaware or able to give them the benefit of the doubt - because everyone else? Not close enough to say for sure. And the victim? Who wants to believe something so terrible unless they have to?
I think until she has more intuition/experience, pulling off something like that is just going to play into the hands of ppl who have a lot of experience deceiving others