Cooking with a banana peel is a slippery slope.
Cooking with a banana peel is a slippery slope.
I really have no sympathy for streamers facing valid DMCA claims and having to delete their old content. Copyrights are not some arcane sub-section of the law nobody knew about when Twitch or YouTube started. Content creators have been knowingly and willingly violating copyright for decades in their content, fully…
That’s a low bar. Beyond “holy shit, that was Julie Andrews??” there was nothing crazy about Aquaman.
I do not.
This is a dumb thing to ask for. I have arachnophobia. I scream like a little girl when I find one bigger than an asprin in my house. The asprin and smaller size ones just give me a heart attack, but I’m able to deal with them myself. The bigger ones, I scream for my wife or kids to come kill it.
Mario’s respectful clapping really elevates this gif.
Why are you surprised? Isn’t finding bugs exactly what betta testing is for?
This has to be the first Fallout 76 fuck up that isn't Bethesda's fault.
Im tired of Nintendo being opposite of Sony, Microsoft, and PC.
So will the microtransactions be patched in by Halloween? Or by Christmas?
LOL. I love it. There are a bunch of others that would be great also, but I like this. If Smash is “Videogames: The Game”, then minecraft deserves it’s representation.
Ha ha ha, what?
there are so many better characters they could have picked.
Because it looks like American gamers - duh. You always represent the demographic to get more sales.
I thought this was going to be meat buns and syrup in a fried-chicken-and-waffles-type thing. Still sounds good tho