I think instead of buying New Pokemon Snap, I’ll sit back and see what people post on Twitter next week, its fun to see how creative people get with Nintendo games. But part of me really wants to play the game
I think instead of buying New Pokemon Snap, I’ll sit back and see what people post on Twitter next week, its fun to see how creative people get with Nintendo games. But part of me really wants to play the game
I knew I heard of this idea before
For one dollar they are changing a single line of code in a game from off to on
Tabasco is the hot sauce equivalent of Carolina BBQ sauce
At this point I’m just continuing to pay for Xbox Live Gold because I got good games with it from the past that I still want to play in the future. Otherwise I’d just dump it.
I still can’t get into this show. A friend of mine likes it so much, so I’m giving it a watch, but even 7 episodes in, I still don’t see what’s so special about it. Feels very generic so far
McDonalds twitter posted this a while ago so at least they know
ALRIGHT!!! Time to make the legendary Half Mtn Dew and Half Pepsi Blue cocktail
OOhhhh yeah and Green Apple Slime dipping sauce from Burger King. They had it for some promotion for the Nickelodeon, but that sauce was soo good.
McDonaldland Cookies
Fortnite has gotten the rights to so many videogames and movies, but couldn’t secure Captain Planet for Earth Day?
This is awesome
well timed article
I wish one day Nintendo embraced the modding community. Its like they almost did with Super Mario Maker. But just extend it to other games. Bethesda proved you could do it with Skyrim and Fallout. Nintendo please
That doesn’t look like Luigi, that’s just Green Mario
Can’t even buy a six pack of Sam Adams for $7.00
Its fun knowing after doing this very cool stunt he does some very boring waiting in a repair shop
House of the Dead baby!
You make a strong argument. But... No
I can’t stand it. I know its blue, because they say its blue, but my brain says purple. ughhhhhhhh