
I admit, the grade I gave was definitely an afterthought. I appreciate Todd's job more and more. I feel I will offend people if I give too low of a mark. I'd make either an awful or awesome teacher.

Really, I'm fine now. And I felt I really needed to write a review…haha, writing's one of my passions and it would have been a personal criminal offense if I abandoned my promise to write one up. No one cares, but I'm working on the second one now. But thank you for your concern. Life's a stupid bitch sometimes but

First off, I want to apologize for my lack of reviews. January and February have been filled with annoying visits to the hospital; my appendix decided to up and burst. Long story short…I was busy.

i just want a glimpse of Benedict Cumberbatch. 

it better be some sort of desperate housewives-esque deal. a neighbourhood where all the superfluous converge and discuss the best plastic surgeons who helped remove their scars.


bets on Garret. He chillaxed too much.

If you guys don't mind me joining in. I'd be happy to cover a couple of episodes. 
I'll do Beginner Pottery and English as a Second Language.

Krav Maga is one of the best things I have ever ventured into. I would definitely recommend it. I'm 5'1 and weigh 95lbs, so really, your body type doesn't matter so long as you're willing to to give it your best shot. One thing I like to stress to newcomers is that when you're in Krav you have to be willing to go into

Anyone else notice the super giant shadow of a lighting guy during the Christmas pageant? Is he just a giant cut-out?

im the connoisseur of signifiers and the signified.

So, I just watched a pirated version online (nbc's this time), and near the end the voiceover during credits said, "Do you have a sense of community?" and I literally swore at NBC, "I DO, BUT YOU F*CKING DON'T."

HERE. IM RIGHT HERE. I watched Glee season 1. Sue me, I was a choir geek in high school. And I totally caught the Glee "music".

also. Danny Pudi looked damn good in his rapper getup.

On another note. Tonight will be the closest I will ever get to Joel Mchale's mouth.

Ok, just made my krav coach drive me home so I could watch this week live for once.

All right, my friends. Tonight, we rage against the machine…WITH OUR FINGERTIPS! As soon as Todd opens the floodgates, we shall charge through the door with reckless abandon screaming, "FORT HAWTHOOORRRRNNNNNEEEE!!!" We will scour the floors of AV Club with our comments and stray observations.

excuse me, I have to give in to my femininity. But, AWWWWWWWW. That was the cutest I have read in a long while. Just so freakin' adorable that I want to squish his face.

since this isn't the darkest, most evil timeline, you also get mini pies!

Ooh! Are we talking ring tones? Mine is "Home" by Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros. Brownies and biscuits to anyone who knows which ep I'm referencing.