
Katherine heigl was never wrong ! In what world would a woman like heigls character get knocked up by a Seth Rogan type and drop her whole life to have shreks baby? She was calling out the perverse male fantasy world of Apatow and sandler movies where fat sweatpants wearing schlubs are practically entitled to gorgeous

No lies. Whoever the makeup artist was for this production they were pioneers in fleekiness.

The Lyga strikes again !

And Leto is going full depp! I find this all fun and cute

My goodness, what a tough spot that must have put you in having to be the intermediary between the boss and the overworked nail techs. And I bet it was a pretty nice nail place because it was in an affluent area so they were probably charging high prices and yet still treating the workers poorly and probably not

I used to always go by the prices but the salon that I mentioned in my story WAS one of those salons. They charged $45 for a regular pedicure, no extras or fancy stuff. The girl speaking to me was young, high school aged, but was able to communicate with me clearly in English. THIS is why I don’t feel comfortable

I've heard of some nasty cuticle cutting gone awry stories that sound pretty gnarly I don't blame you

Future Louis ck’s for sure !

Hahahahaha ok this is very cute

True but it’s hard to know who they are and painting your nails is ridiculously easy to do.

“Today I’m gonna poop in everybody’s pants and then blast off my undies” - what your 3 yr old says when she is a comedianne in the making.

I’ve just been painting my own nails since this article came out. I never found getting my nails done relaxing and especially now it just stresses me out. I remember the last time I got my nails done at my usual salon in queens the girl painting my nails told me she lived in the building next door to me- a new high

Hey now! You leave sweet, innocent weed out of this!! :p

I’m a chef and my food friends and I frequently talk about how food instagrammers are just lowering the cuisine conversation. This is not cuisine it’s an Instagram shot. No, you should not #putaneggonit. A fuckin runny yolk does not elevate every recipe. It’s madness. Stop it. Last summer I freelanced a recipe to

Get the fuck off my lawn Clint Eastwood.

Fucken yes

That sideways walk is sups creepy

I just can't with Jared Leto anymore. I do not respect this hustle.

I don't think you exaggerated and I'm shocked that people in this thread are going in on you telling you how to feel about your own community. Hugs to can't be easy. Just looking at all the pushback in this thread to you expressing your experience as a trans woman.. it can't be easy.