

Lol yes

So true and depressing.

I agree! I more meant someone who isn’t practically a teenager. I don’t see him ever dating a grown woman. But you’re very right models he dates are super successful and I’m sure smart.

I thought it was Aaron carter! Lol

yea, I definitely don't see Leonardo pulling a Clooney and settling down with a bright successful woman over 30.

YES đŸ˜©đŸ˜‘

I see what you’re saying about your friend but... At the same time, it’s SKETCH COMEDY. Hell even I have taken a sketch comedy class with friends, it was fun! Anyone who thinks you have to “get and respect the craft” to be able to try something new and have fun is being insufferable, whether they are a professional

I was trying to give Ariana the benefit of the doubt because I do think she’s probably cool irl, but yea that sketch comedy tantrum was so petty. And side note- Ariana, you take sketch comedy seriously? Like wut? I've never seen that girl come close to being humorous on that show. It's just a very odd hill to die on

Lol same :(

Did not find the videos delightful but stress inducing. I would not have the bloody wherewithal to be a teen these days. So much work.

Crumble some lays original potato chips on it :\ I grew up in the sticks, I know things about food that I shouldn't

That hellmans hashtag is savage

Tbh reading this thread I don’t even think this black wife exists. I think dude makes these “I hope you get raped by a big burly black man” jokes himself, (probably to his white friends) and finds them hilaaaaarious and is throwing his fictional black wife under the bus for his stupid, racist, misogynistic thoughts.

Nah her name is Jackie, it wasnt a pseudonym. Because she used her real name her classmates were able to out her shortly after the controversy erupted. Her first and last name has been out there for a while...

Lol!!!! Dead

You know it's coming 😍

You know what? Yes. Yes yes yes yes to all of this foolery, yes. This is what the kardashians get for letting the little sister move in on chyna’s man. However uncomfortable, infuriariting and fucked up that was for chyna to go through seeing her best-friends’-teenage-sister with her child’s father it is now going to

Isn’t gawker being sued for not paying interns? This girl deserves a real job that pays.

Bingo. All roads eventually lead to: this is a society that protects men and defends men at all costs. If that means throwing children and women under the bus, so be it. It’s very very twisted, but all of this denial of the sexual abuse of women and children is the product of deeply ingrained misogyny. “Our men”