
Myself, i’d not rebuild King’s Landing, it’d only remerge as a den of scum and villany. And it’s more useful as a burnt-out necropolis, a reminder to the people that things sucked before, but things are better now.

Redistribute the survivors into Highgarden, where the food will be. And re-establish the royal seat near

I love Billy West as much as the next guy who knows who Billy West is, but I would be surprised to find that the “not insignificant portion” you mention constitutes more than five percent of the potential audience. Actually, I’d guess that the percentage of the audience who even knows the name Billy West is around

Benjamin acts the hell out of his roles. Bob Belcher is an extremely emotional guy, and Benjamin is able to go from incoherent rage to choked up joy to amused bewilderment like nobody’s business.

‘I reject your hypothesis’ is actually a good answer. There was nothing Tarantino could say that would satisfy the questioner, William Hughes, or anyone in the Hot Take #outrage Squad. Noting that he rejected the premise of the question and leaving it there was the best way to signal a disagreement that would not


The ‘B’ in ‘LGBT’ is for ‘Babadook.’

I think it’s like Johnny Utah angry shooting into the air instead of at Bodhi.

And the Doges of Venice. 

Respect to the showrunners for being willing to adjust their plans for Steve. Apparently pairing him with Dustin in season two wasn’t something they planned either, at some point they realized they had kind of lost track of both characters & might as well put them together, and it worked brilliantly & was the best

Finally, a film that asks the question, “If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?”

Consider: when Catelyn had Sansa come up to see Cersei during the king’s visit the first sentence was basically: hey, have you bled yet (so my son can start fucking you)?

or warg into Bronn in a newly refurbished brothel

That’s how you get King Hot Pie, First of His Name.

Fuck Dany. She was a Nazi.

She’s going to bring them potatoes and tomatoes, changing the cuisine of at least 3 kingdoms for centuries. Also, chewing tobacco is going to take Winterfell by storm.

Nah. I’m pretty sure she’s going to discover the continents of North and South Ameros. Lady Stark bringer of Smallpox.

Night King was the big antagonist and was then quickly done away with. Then Cersei was the big antagonist and quickly done away with. Then Dan was the big antagonist and quickly done away with.

Is there a single person who thinks the 6 episode season good idea? The extra half hour wasn’t even additional story telling,

“Say another word about killing my brother and I’ll cut your throat.”

(Needle scratch) and that, kids, is how I invented representative democracy.