
If Frances Lee inspired the character of Jessica Fletcher, was she  also secretly a prolific serial killer?

I thought it was just a riff on Stomp. 

wait. what??

If The State Department and CIA wants to oust Maduro the best way to do that is to make him accidentally spoil Endgame in front of a crowd in Caracas.

That jumped out at me too. But it’s not the only really questionable statement in the article.

I still remember watching this in high school almost 25 years ago, in an English class where the teacher and I were pretty close (she lent me books (Douglas Adams!) and movies (Monty Python!) all the time). She knew I liked action films in particular.

Tom shamefully neglects the film’s most enduring contribution to pop culture — the MAD Magazine parody East Side Story, about gangs led by Kruschev and Kennedy showing down at the UN. “When you’re a Red, you’re a Red all the way! From your first Party purge to your last power play!”

I haven’t seen this since high school but I really need to revisit it, especially after recently watching Streets of Fire and loving it -- I’m suspecting Hill may have pulled some ideas about spectacle trumping “realism” from this.

Because it’s not a movie that needs updating. It’s most dated elements are its most interesting and it’s hard to imagine them improving on the music or choreography.  I guess they’ll finally get to curse out Officer Crupkey, otherwise what's the point?

Meanwhile in Florida...


Are you kidding?   It’s in their byline

It’s just endlessly fascinating, all the people who are 100% convinced that a world-famous celebrity would, during a custody dispute (with a woman who repeatedly physically and emotionally abused her children), choose a prearranged day-visit in a house full of people, to sexually assault his first and only victim, his

Isn’t that just the magic of this show, though? No character is too lightly-drawn to be taken seriously under the right circumstances, shichh is what makes them so human. 

“Cars don’t run on batteries, idiot! They run on gas, and batteries! Dammit!”

He has good taste, it’s an underrated flavor. And it probably served as a nice base for the other mixed flavors on Gene’s scoop.

This may have been my favourite closing credits of this show ever. Bob really likes professional pattycaking.

“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Brother - DNA Testing” is a wonderful store name.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof? How’d you get it to stay up there?”