Right, Stannis has decided that he is the lawful ruler of the throne, and as a result, it is just to peruse that goal with zeal because it is upholding the law. As a result, he has to do this for the greater good.
Yeah, I think this is one case where the root of the problem resides in Martin’s writing, because I think there’s a meta-issue where Martin was trying to write a story about Dany losing her bearings and losing the through-line of the story, and instead it became more of a story about how Martin lost his bearings and…
Does he have constant tremors?
I think Melfi is absolutely a good therapist for Tony; she helps him a lot. Her office is an outlet for him to vent ideas and concerns that would fester inside him otherwise; she helps him confront the real nature of many of his relationships; she forces him to push through his own defensiveness and see himself and…
I dunno, I like my shrinks to be a tad more bulletproof than Malcolm Crowe. I mean, I had a session scheduled for later that week!
Even if he wasn’t a fanatic for a religion, he was for his birthright. I’m sort of baffled by some of this pushback, Stannis’s arc started with him using magic to commit fratricide. Add in a heavy dose of desperation, this doesn’t seem like a huge leap.
Bob Newhart joked more than once that Bob Hartley was useless as a therapist and he never helped any of his patients..
In addition to that, I also assume that LA has ethnicities other than white people and that potentially it could involve a diverse cast...
No, this ‘neckbeard’ is going to see it as a tiresome SJW riff on Frank Herbert’s MUCH White Plague (plus zombies, basically) with more than a soupcon of misandry.
What the fuck is going on? What is this all about?’ We could not wrap our heads around Pennsylvania
Multiple commenters:
There was supposed to be a still of Karen Silkwood getting scrubbed in that scene from the film but it didn’t attach so I just sound obtuse. I would go visit the puppies immediately though.
When you started talking about the ex-pilot with a lot of big mistakes in his past, as well as a drinking problem, taking control of the plane, ALL I could think of was Ted Striker in Airplane.
agreed you probably suck at stand-up comedy
Nothing says “fuck you” to moon landing conspiracy theorists quite like spending 9 figures of taxpayer money to pick up buzz aldrin’s 50 year old shit off it. I'm all for it.
Neil Armstrong’s Moon Poops, band name, called it
I also think one of the problems with Gage was the longer they’re dead, the less like themselves they are when they return.
I was thinking the same thing. I barely remember the first film but IIRC from the novel the cat comes back just slightly off, so there’s no reason not to do that with the daughter. Mom is obviously NOT on board with this so adding that hesitance / rejection to a not-right child could definitely have an impact. I…
Hudson looks at the state of the Alien film franchise, then looks at the footage of this stage production.