
So I guess this wasn’t quite the orchestrated thing that I’d assumed. If the old-guard porn industry cut a deal to get its competitor to take a dive, I guess that deal fell through. Or maybe it was always just a marketing ploy by OnlyFans akin to the “New Coke conspiracy”.

I think a rural, devoutly religious community then could easily be as “out-of-style” as the Amish look to us today. Though naturally that can lead the audience into a sort of The Village-style “We’re in olden times... but not maybe not that much” dissonance.

As you say, it aged weirdly.

Mailing in your comments on a postcard was definitely better than Kinja.

That’s the “legal obstacle” stick to accompany the carrot (fetishes are getting weirder...). I’d imagine their “concern” is proportionate to the dark money backing it up.

My suspicion would be that the “old guard” porn industry was at the root of this. They threw enough money at the current management of Onlyfans, and threatened to divert other investors/create legal obstacles, and got them to take a dive.

The “weapon of war” part isn’t all that big a deal with aircraft — it’s generally the guns and missiles and electronics warfare stuff that has real ownership restrictions. The main thing keeping more wealthy folks from pushing for it is the other stuff you pointed out — the absurd expense of maintaining and operating

Faygo is obviously extremely tolerant.

Montalban could be pretty menacing when he wanted to. And he was in the original ABC pilot, which was darker overall, hinting at some sort of Mephistopheles/Leland Gaunt angle for Roarke.

The original Piglet was an interstellar Jack the Ripper, though, so he’d clearly seen some shit.

It is indeed a great line, but, interestingly enough, my own search on “kill and consume the flesh and blood of the others” returned Isaiah 49:26:

I don’t have it handy to time it, but there were definitely no fades or cuts or any other directorial conventions to show passage of time.

Wikipedia identifies it as the Ulanga river, which is a real river. I’m guessing that was was taken directly from the C.S. Forester novel the original film was based on.

Indeed. I remember the dialog in Star Wars as implying that the plans had been knocking around through spy circles for at least a little while before they passed to Leia, but I chalk it up to attention spans and current ideas of pacing. I was similarly annoyed by the way the actual trip to meet Luke at the end of The

He does, but to me it felt more like suspenseful “clock-is-ticking” motivation than body horror, particularly since the depiction of the “Prawns” is more-or-less sympathetic. It plays out more like D.O.A. than The Fly.

Not sure I buy the categorization of District 9 as “sci-fi horror”. Maybe if you’re extending the definition of “horror” in some socio-political way? It was plenty gory in spots, and had it’s share of Aliens homages, but much more in the “action” camp, than the “horror”.

There’ve been two “Interdimensional Cable” episodes, and I’m sure that the subsequent references to it are meant to tease/threaten the idea of doing more.

As with so much of the show, I suspect that there’s a “meta” element to the weird obsession with high school popularity politics — That it’s not meant to be so much realistic or relatable, but rather a winking riff on cinematic high school tropes, and following them to their logical conclusion.

It’s 28 years too early for a tie-in with the Salem trials too. And apparently Fear Street canon has the convicted witch ancestors being burned at the stake, just to compound the agony for the history geeks in the audience.

Even beyond the elaborate “professional courtesy/wall-of-silence” level of professions like medicine, there are enough hassles involved in giving negative references that I think they’re pretty rare outside of the most entry-level, deli-like, jobs. If somebody’s resume has them repeatedly changing jobs, you might be