Um Ah

And if they are taken away, so what?

“The best we can to pray for the father and husband so he can work through this.”

Not in Texas.

~ unless you get those for ten years and then get no raises ever again ~.

Even worse is the stupid practice of having “security questions”. All that means is they’re provided a weak-password backdoor into their customers’ accounts.

“Rapist Tree, Rapist Tree
Stay away and believe
If’n you stray too close
To its gnarled post
You’ll never get to flee”

I got drunk one time and robbed a bank. The cops showed up and in the subsequent gunfight, 5 people were killed and 25 wounded.

Google it. He was charged with, and found guilty of, felonious sexual assault. He is about to find out how much those “20 minutes” cost him: Sex Offenders live a fucked life while on probation. Any violations of the following and more will end his probation.

Spam for a “Decluttering Consultant”?

I’m no linguist but I think...

Sounds like he was not emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship.

... I won’t block him... just because I don’t know what that will look like to him.... He hasn’t tried to contact me in a decade,

Now playing

Why he took on directing for the three prequels we’ll never know.

The movies will never be as in-depth as the comics, so they’re going to have to skip MUCH (most?) of the past history.

Towable House?

one giant thing that I can’t carry

Winner, winner!

Project much?

Ironic: Mocking something by using words to mean the opposite of their literal meaning. Example: Steve said Bob’s pitch was “blazing fast” when it failed to cross home plate, instead rolling to a stop a few feet away.

Hope there’ll be a solid, legit reason for Iron Man being down for law & order when his character is the opposite and Cap’s attitude being “law, schmaws”