Person on top needs seems to have trouble Nazi-ing correctly. 3/10 do not Nazi again.
We all need to appreciate “Zero Fucks” Obama calling Trump a whiny little crybaby to the international press. I AM LIVING FOR THIS.
Because Melania is dumber than a box of rocks and/or honestly doesn’t remember remeeting Natasha Stoynoff.
If Kim Kardashian comes out with a really thoughful op-ed on this election I may have to shoot myself.
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.
And now the Republicans are freaking out because of how dangerous this is. As if they haven’t been saying the same shit for years. Every time Trump does something terrible, they act like it’s brand new and nothing like the Republican Party. It’s not. The difference is of degree, not type. They’ve been laying the…
And Nate Silver/ Five Thirty Eight says that election fraud is rare in the US.
...if the signatures on their vote-by-mail forms don’t match the ones on their voter registration.
Meanwhile, Trump is claiming that
Damn, is it safe for you to be publicising your support for Clinton if your neighbours are all Trump supporters? Not from America (just a NZ journalist) but honestly, the talk around scaring off Clinton voters would have me waaay too nervous to be doing that.
+ 1 for finding the only respectable use of ‘misandrist’ I’ve ever seen. Bravo, Scout.
That’s what they call sex.
I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.
They rehearsed her lines while they stood in the booth getting sprayed together, holding bronze hands.
She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.
A well-proportioned warthog.
If she’s a fat piglet, what the fuck does that make him?
So here’s a fun thought.