Rotten Tomatoes has it at 19%. Not good, not good.
Rotten Tomatoes has it at 19%. Not good, not good.
19% when I checked just now. I'm only a little bit surprised.
No, no…drinks are on…the house, the house.
Welcome to Oregon.
Greens are a joke because of Nader. They'd get more coverage if they won a few House seats in sympathetic districts, and people would actually take them seriously (other than themselves).
Third parties are already nationally known. Winning elections will get you more coverage than losing ones will. Can you imagine the uproar if a third party took more than three Congressional seats?
Why this obsession with the White House? I thought third parties wanted to change the status quo. To do that, you have to change laws, not the way they're enforced over 4-year stretches.
Technically, they are capable of breeding, but finding a woman willing to sleep with a stuffy virgin who calls other men "cucks" and considers her his property might be the tricky part.
I hear it in the voice of Butters.
I might give Libertarians a chance, but not for president, at least until they get a hefty number of members in Congress. For Libertarians to keep wasting money on sure-loser POTUS candidates like Gary Johnson instead of going after vulnerable seats in an extremely unpopular Congress just shows me that they're not…
I can wait.
Very true. A large part of it is because conservatives are so tribal that any deviation from dogma gets you labeled a traitor, an anti-American, a communist, yada, yada, yada. Liberals have this tendency sometimes too (e.g. "You think that free college doesn't solve the problem of college grads not being able to…
I think that was called All In The Family.
Ditto (hence my handle). Both sides have their share of both good and stupid ideas, but your remark about "Liberals think I'm conservative, and conservatives think I'm a communist" is spot-on. When it comes to shrieking hyperbole, conservatives outblast liberals ever so slightly, which is why I lean ever so slightly…
It will be a fine spectacle to watch these alt-righters have kids who rebel against them by going full-on PC liberal.
I said God-DAMN!
After going to, it seems that it is. Good stuff.
Was that Laura Dern at 1:14?
What you probably have most of your problems with is the way the federal government operates.
He's still worse than Trump, but he also had 90 extra months to muck things up. Give it time. By this point in the Bush presidency, 9/11 hadn't even happened.