Well, maybe. Does the DNC follow the "Only stars that people over 70 will recognize" rule that the GOP convention uses?
Well, maybe. Does the DNC follow the "Only stars that people over 70 will recognize" rule that the GOP convention uses?
So who's going to be the keynote speaker at the DNC convention? William Katt?
No Pootie Tang? AV Club, you a col' tony…
Lima beans are pretty cool once you get to know them. Kidney beans are total dicks, tho.
I would nominate the woefully underwatched and underrated Welcome to Me. Kristen Wiig's turn as a borderline personality disordered lottery winner off her meds and in charge of her own Oprah-style talk show is uneven but delightfully batshit. Definitely worth a watch.
This looks pretty cool, but I'm still waiting for The Gong Show to come back. Perhaps we can start gonging contestants on Dancing With The Stars?
Yes, thank you. Barack Obama is exactly what I think of when I argue against the Bernie or Bust crowd. A twice-elected-in-a-landslide president with major party support has found it nearly impossible to follow through with a lot of his initiatives, simply because Congress is dominated by an opposing party which has…
Well, there are cheaper ways of getting visibility than a presidential run, especially in the internet age. Spending that much money on the meager amount of attention they get just seems like poor strategy, if you ask me. The Greens and Libertarians have been trying to play the "national party" game for years. What…
They do, and in the internet age it's even easier. A third party might gain a lot of attention from a presidential run, but in the long run they don't get as much out of it as they put into it, IMO. And just imagine how much national attention they'd gain by winning a bunch of Congressional seats!
That doesn't mean that additional views can't have a voice. I just think it's a little fishy that the government encourages third parties to bet the farm on an absolute longshot but doesn't help them to win any Congressional seats, which are actually fairly accessible.
Some do, but not #Huckaby2012
Maybe nothing, though what he should be doing now is telling the "maybe Trump" crowd to stop being idiots and throwing his support behind independent Congressional candidates. Congress is where Bernie's agenda always lived anyway.
I'd even give them some House seats. But running for POTUS is just a waste of their resources that keeps them powerless.
If you want to get your message out on a national scale, there are much cheaper ways of doing it than running for president. Wasting that amount of money on a presidential run is just a sign of poor strategy.
OK, then go and vote for them for state and local offices. But I repeat: why vote for them for president? Without a strong foundation of members in offices across the country and a healthy war chest, the lack the resources to succeed at this massive undertaking.
Fair enough, and agreed, but I still think that the presidency is still pretty useless for independents and third parties. They want to change the status quo, which means changing a multitude of laws, and that's one thing the president can't do.
It is true that presidents are enormously important, but what I was saying is that the Oval Office is not very useful to third parties who are relying on new legislation to change the status quo.
10 in the House does not "mean squat." The Affordable Care Act was passed in the House by only 5 votes. That is a major, controversial bill that has had far-reaching consequences, and it was passed by fewer than 10 votes in the House.
Oh, sure, presidents can have an enormous impact on the way laws are enforced…as long as their terms last. Without changing the laws, however, the following president start enforcing laws in the way that they want to do it, possibly undoing whatever progress the previous president decided to make.
I don't dismiss the importance of the presidency; it is important, but not as important as a lot of people think it is. Americans seem to have this impression that POTUS is "King of America," and that the position allows them carte blanche to make whatever changes they please, and that just isn't the case.