Waterworld by John Waters.
Waterworld by John Waters.
David Cronenberg could do a great job with Dune. Only problem is that David Cronenberg doesn't ordinarily do other people's material, Naked Lunch notwithstanding. What would have happened if he hadn't turned down directing Return of the Jedi?
Soundtrack by Wyckyd Sceptre featuring Nick Cave!
How about Dylan Baker as Kevin?
10 years ago, I would have said Peter Jackson, but I just don't know anymore.
Hey, somebody threw away a perfectly good arm-remover!
"Oh, Gawd! My hard drive is being blocked by my modem! Why does this only happens to me? WHY?!?"
I found it at the library. I don't know why, but I did.
It was called Dazed and Confused.
Speaking of things that aren't subtle, it is rather brash naming the lead villain of Gladiator after a toilet.
On The Waterfront 2: Vegas Trip
Oooh! A nice dose of German Expressionism! I like it!
Good thing we kept those black leather dusters from The Matrix!
Hellraiser could stand a good remake. Cool idea, great villains, but poor execution in any scene without the Cenobites.
As long as there's a psychic involved, I'm in.
Russ Meyer should be the one to remake Charlie's Angels.
I'd love to see that made just to piss off Stephen King.
The creepy dream episode of M*A*S*H, as directed by David Lynch.
To be more helpful: 90s humor was very much a reaction to the "Father Knows Best," "Let's recreate the 50s," mindset of the 1980s. If you weren't there, you wouldn't understand.
Horny Slut Hotline, this is Peppermint…