
Quite right, sir! And as a fellow negro, I am glad to see that there are other darkies who have the ability to put down their slice of watermelon for two seconds, turn off their Al Sharpton rap album, and think rationally about the FREEDOM in America that has benefited their kind for so long.

Oh, come on. Don't call Mr. Trump racist! All he's doing is exploiting white people's perpetual anger about brown people to make a crapload of money off of people who don't know any better!

Caught that, too. How many accounts do you have, "Emilio"?

I can't WAIT for Trump to bring the American standard of living to the type that Venezuela has come to enjoy!

Whatsa matter? You don't like a good pissing contest?

So who's not watching this tonight?

I just enjoy a good pissing contest, that's all.

Jack and Jill went up the hill
both with a buck and a quarter
Jill came down with 2.50.
That fucking whore.

Thumbs up for saying Donald Trump has "cool hair." That's the best laugh I've had on this thread since Chad said that blood pressure is a biological "system."

I'm with you. Not that I watch SNL ever anyway, but now I have special reason to avoid it completely.

On that note, how do you think SNL's going to react when Trump inevitably goes off script and starts ad-libbing?

It's getting surreal out here.

Blood pressure is a measurement taken from the circulatory system, Einstein. They are not the same thing.

Oh my gawd, I cackled with laughter when he said that blood pressure is a system.

Not even close.

Dang, you beat me to it.

Unfortunately for your "theory," Earth is not a closed system. Energy enters Earth all the time from a thing called the Sun. Hence, not a closed system.

Support for Trump, of course!

Really? Is he going to supply the ENTIRE agricultural industry with massive subsidies to offset the cost of hiring American workers? More corporate welfare? Is that the "solution"?

Yeah, I was Trying to figure that one out earlier myself.