Ultraman Call Me Mebius

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

Now they’ll replace him with some common bitch.

This is exactly what I was looking for, Thanks.

Me, after reading seven paragraphs full of one excoriating pull-quote after another:

People seems to just gloss over that they were laughing in his face while he was putting himself out there emotionally with that letter that seemed to make everyone cry later.

Considering the source, were you expecting anything else?

...and would you have been disappointed if that’s what you got?

careful what you wish for, glass houses and all that 

My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”

“...Ansari seems content to hold up a mirror to everyone but himself.”

Ansari needs to book a parallel tour where’s always playing across the street from Louis CK. Call it the “Hey, At Least I’m Not That Asshole Tour.”

Reading the comments, it’s reassuring to see that most readers agree that this is dumb click bait complaining about dumb click bait. Kevin Smith’s goofy tweet is just that and nothing more. Trying desperately to spin it into some sort of pearl-clutching transgression is lazy and much worse than anything Smith did.

I had never seen this before and it made me laugh unusually hard. 

Welcome to the AV CLUB since you must be new here.

Uhhhh. This isn't a movie. 

Cool story, buddy.

How can you be mad at touch controls for games on devices whose primary input is touch?

Okay, that doesn’t seem to have worked. Second attempt:

I wish The Force Awakens had come out when I was a kid. My sibling and I played Star Wars and Lord of the Rings constantly, and there’s a grand total of one good sword/lightsaber fight scene featuring a girl between both franchises (Eowyn vs the Witch King of Agmar). Seeing Rey as an adult was such a beautiful thing

I like the part where you got owned by a bunch of people before me.