Ultraman Call Me Mebius

My only experience is selling one. Well, I “sold” it, but when it didn’t pass the compression test we said he could do, he brought it back. The dealership then put it back on the lot and expected us to sell it again without doing any additional work.

Kevin Duran*d*

Thank you for this. My wife has nursed my son since day one, and while there have been a lot of great moments (and the bond they share is incredible)...it’s also annoying and frustrating for her. hah. Can’t only take the parts you like, I suppose!

I’m a 30 year-old with two younger sisters; one being 18, the other being 12. So. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Both of your comments are great. I don't know if I could Jews a favorite...

This definitely brings back some memories.

This site is killing it with typos lately. Bravo!

What’s with all of the typos lately? This article, along with the other Avengers SDCC article, are riddled with them. I understand the desire to get the article out in a timely manner, but we are talking first sentence:

For those of y’all who want the trailer in .gif form:

I almost fell for your joke...

Twilight Company was better than it had any right to be. But yeah, I still want to read Master and Apprentice. 

As I said earlier, I NOW know it’s unnecessary for the films... But for a while, it wasn’t presented that way. And for me, I enjoy the Star Wars mythos. A lot. But I’ve decided it’s not worth it to keep up with everything. I guess my point is I miss when the universe was a little smaller is all. I wouldn’t mind the

See, I didn’t know this. Thank you!

I didn’t take it as being I couldn’t critique, but I appreciate the backup! You never can tell sometimes.

Oh I know I don’t have to, and I did stop. But the marketing pushes, man. I won’t say I didn’t fall for it, and I still see it being pushed out there for others who are willing to jump in.

See, it’s just all of the tie-in comics and books, that’s what gets to me. I know the Mandalorian won’t have a direct tie to the main films...well...I doubt it will... But I definitely bought into the “Journey to...” series, and it was underwhelming AND exhausting at the same time. Talk about a ride. That’s when I

One might say it’s coming up so fast....we may not even see it coming!

This isn’t said to be negative. I love Star Wars immensely, and I’m tired of seeing the incessant whining and moaning about...well, really anything related to the Last Jedi. Let’s move on. I want to see more optimism and encouragement in the fandom.

So excited for this. I never had the chance to watch the show growing up, but even if I did, it would have been the dubs. So this will be a great experience, and I can't wait to share them with my son. 

I grew up watching the original as a child. Not sure what my mom was thinking, but hey, whatever. But the new one? I couldn’t get past the sewer scene. I just can’t do movies like this anymore, no matter how much I want to watch ‘em.