
I was thinking the same thing. I’m not that creative, so I wondered how they’d even go beyond one season, haha. But the first episode was great!

The jackals and vultures will be after him hard in December. He’ll parlay it all into a Conspiracy Network that is pretty lucrative, but he’ll never earn another dollar in peace.

October for UK, not on AMC until 2017.

Finn has trained his entire life for war. Also, if you watch it again it’s clear that Kylo Ren is toying with Finn. When Finn hits Kylo, is when Kylo is like “flip this” and wrecks Finn.

I’ve never seen someone who was so brainwashed by Italian tabloids, lol.

I’ve always been an atheist, and I say good lord, oh god, Jesus Christ, etc, all the time. Since it has no meaning to me, it’s just socially acceptable cursing.

She should have said “praise Allah” and then every goes whaaaaaaa?! and looks at the camera...... a Twist!!

I still miss the fuck out of “Don’t Trust the B-- in Apt 23.” I watch it all the time on Netflix and want new episodes soooo badly.

Because her act is so over the top and kneejerk contrarian.

I’m voting for her because despite disagreeing with a lot of what our country engages in, I do happen to love my country, and I think she would do a damn good job as president. I’m voting for her because she won’t single out people like my cousins, who have brown skin and are often confused for “Arabs” because their

Even Dean Venture?

He fuckin copied someone else like all gawker writers.

“Don’t jump into water because the bees will wait for you to come up for air.”

Of course its mocking, its fucking WEIRD and creepy. Sure there are “all kinds of people” out there. Doesn’t mean they’re absolved of being judged for bizarre abnormal behavior.

I am not talking about the AP article. I’m talking about this article, written by Anna Merlan, on The Slot, which included the line I quoted in its original form. I was correcting Anna, and she responded acknowledging the edit. Look upthread and stop trying to argue with me.

Have fun in The Bad Place!

How about taking that entire bullshit section out of the article all together?

Same here. If she coughs even once, Trumpers will rage. I just want this debate to go well.

There have been rumors about Kevin Spacey being involved in stuff like this along with Brett Ratner.