
Remember, kids: Midterm elections exist and they matter. Get out and vote this year, and then do it again in 2018.

And yet the horrific predators exist. I feel like every time stranger rape is brushed aside with an “oh, but that’s not how the majority of rapes happen” remark, it invalidates my experience. I was raped by a stranger who broke into my home, held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill my 7 year old son if I

Hm. I was thinking it was so common in horror movies because it’s so common in real life? Every woman I know has been sexually assaulted in one way or another.

Sadly, the social upheaval may provide a great deal of job security for you.

They weren’t sued was my point, and nothing you said has changed it.

There have been about 171,434,736 movie screenings* in America since Aurora, and two shootings in movie theaters.

No experience with face-to-face wolf-attacks, but in 1978 while cutting firewood in a very remote family-owned area, my father and I encounted a pack of 12-15 wild dogs. They were on us so fast, there was no time to do a ‘1-2-3' step of how-to-survive. I was able to jump inside the truck, he ended up killing 6 with

After Jaws: The Revenge came out, Micheal Cain was asked why he appears in so many shitty movies. His response was great:

In either of those situations, you should make yourself appear larger by raising your arms above your head, or raising a jacket or shirt, until the hotel staff offers a room upgrade, or at least complementary breakfast for the duration of your stay.

Sprint had decent coverage in Raleigh when I first went with them. Then I moved to South Carolina. Couldn’t get LTE AT THE SPRINT STORE.

Yeah, that’s a terrible example, but I think the point that the “real world” does not adjust to you is valid. I think a better point would be the UChicago student I saw today deriding the lack of trigger warnings for spiders in a bio textbook given that he has arachnophobia. The spiders in your cupboard do not care

How about the inverse? I’m a man who’s partner enjoys pornography. It’s had absolutely zero impact on our relationship.

Yes! With Lindsay Crouse as his wife!

My mind immediately went a good deal south of there. Hopefully you’re right and I’m ashamed

Awww, that’s cute! I mean sad. Very sad.

I don’t know if you watch OITNB but last season Pennsyltucky made a little ‘graveyard’ for her aborted babies with popsicle sticks and absurdly trashy names. So yeah, it’s about the same.

Texas being stupid, stupid Texas.

“What money spent is affected by the tracking system not working?”