
I stopped shopping at Target cause of that. NO I DON’T WANT YOUR CARD. They recently added self checkout lines, so I go there again now. Though if all those self checkout lines are down I Grandpa Simpson nope right out of there.

I’m most happy when the service people don’t talk to me at all.

Plus, its not like you have a scarlet V on your forehead. Just lie if its bugging you. The first time with someone usually is sorta awkward anyways.

Hell, I’m a straight guy in my 40s. High school is such a distant memory I can’t recall some friends last names without a yearbook assist. All that sturm and drang back then about various life events and frienships and romance... and here 20+ years later its a complete blur and so completely overshadowed by college.

I’m never scared of scary movies because I ALWAYS am rooting for the bad guy. I’ll blame that on the bad guys usually be the most well developed characters in a horror movies.... and nothing to do with me :D

Well, up until the latest email nonsense they were handily winning (and still should win)... I figured if they had anything else they were going to hold onto it just in case Trump tries again in 2020.

There was a time driving the company car where it hit me HARD. I held that shit for about half an hour, got inside, up the elevator (didn’t think I’d survive the walking up the stairs motion), into the bathroom, into the stall, pants down.... andddd shit my boxers. How in the hell can you make it SO close... yet so

Though if Hillary has a “Trump says the N word” tape... it wouldn’t hurt to drop it tomorrow :D

That’s my least favorite trope in fiction! “Well, we’ve dealt with a werewolf, ghost and a vampire. But you say you saw a Mummy?! That’s crazy!!!!” I’m sure it has a name lol. But basically if something unusual fits in the “rules” of your fictional universe, and your characters deal with unusual things, said

Just two (twins) and no plans for any more. So it’d be a nice 50/50 split :D

Sometimes I just want to adopt all gay couples into my family hearing about how their families treat them :(

Huh I may just get a will then. I thought that if there was no will, it was a simple thing of going down the line said by law. (ie... if I die, my wife gets it all. If we both die its split between our daughters, etc). If there’s a big ass hassle to that like your mother experienced then I need to get on it!

Yep only have 1 drowzee I think from an egg here in Virginia. Never seen one in the wild or even had one appear on the tracker.

It’s been a while, but for the most part the women with the boyfriends were trainwrecks before the boyfriend, and letting that person in was the only “good” thing that happened to them. They never seemed like they were interested in being parents to me to begin with. So they’d side with the “good” part of their life

Can’t take a single story of hers even remotely serious since then. Never forget.

In my jurisdiction we’d remove the abused child and any other children if we didn’t see the mother putting her foot down the second the allegations were made. Surprisingly when a biological parent did it I’d say near all the mothers would be on their children’s side. When the boyfriend did it... they’d almost

I’ve gotten a staggering amount of MMO “stuff” when I’ve played a female character. Not searching for it either, they just gift it to me and I’d run off. Thanks, random person for thinking I look like my avatar?!

8 years of Hillary while Michelle gets a Senate seat for a term.... then 8 years of Michelle?! :D I’m ready to vote now! Think of the delicious tears.

Yeah normally its the Democrats seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. The Republicans are getting their first taste of it.

Heck this season he actually seems downright sweet!